A computer-controlled ferrofluid display.
Ferrofluid looks cool, so why not play with it in 3D space?
What it does
The ferrofluid blob is suspended in 3D space however you want. You can stretch it, break it, move it, spin it, etc.
What it’s made of
- Three electromagnetic axes
- X, Y, Z
- Two electromagnetic axes?
- Radial, Z
- 25Kg solenoid coils, 10Kg solenoid coils, 2.5Kg solenoid coils
- Pyrex round bottom boiling flask, 500mL
- Solid silicone stopper, #6
- Motor controllers
- Ferrofluid
- Ferrofluid suspension
- Oleophobic / Hydrophobic coating
Theory of operation
- http://www.daycounter.com/Calculators/Magnets/Solenoid-Force-Calculator.phtml
- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N6Q8W0N/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/chemistry/comments/f26mk/looking_for_a_ferro_fluid_suspension_liquid/
- https://www.czferro.com/contact/
- https://www.chemicalforums.com/index.php?topic=86668.0
- https://chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/409/what-kind-of-suspension-liquid-should-be-used-with-ferrofluid-so-it-does-not-st